اقرء معي هذه المعلومات حول صعود الامركان الى القمر 2024.

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البقية في الموقع وما تنسوا هناك الفيلم الوثائقي

I could have obtained the same kind of print on the ground while walking in an argillaceous ground but surely not on the moon or then SCOOP of the century, there is water on the moon in liquid form!
Look at well, the grooves of the sole are perfectly visible and remain in form once the withdrawn foot. The ground around the print does not seem however really to be made dust as fine as of the flour.

Certain dislocated grooves did not even break down as one could have expected it if they had been consisted dust of dry rock. Look at well the last groove in top of the print, it broke and it fell down on the other piece without breaking down.

And that to think the depth of the print bus on the moon, an astronaut weighs only one sixth of his terrestrial weight. Me which awaited me a print of comparable nature that that that one can leave in dry sand… I must say that I find at the very least this photograph surprising. It is in perfect contradiction with what one knows for the moment of the ground of the moon and that does not seem to shock large world

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