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We Give Thee Thanks

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For This We Give Thee Thanks

For hands that reach and touch our own,
For baby’s laughter in our home,
For shoulders that in grief are loaned,
Dear Lord, we give You thanks.

For lips that brave the tender words,
For eyes that speak what can’t be heard,
For God’s own precious Holy Word,
Dear Lord, we give You thanks.

For open doors and welcomings,
For friends who laugh and sometimes sing,
For everything each season brings,
Dear Lord, we give You thanks.

For large or small, the gifts You give,
For just the privilege to live,
For all we’ve had and yet You give,
Dear Lord, we give You thanks.

For promises that soon shall be,
Because He hung upon the tree,
For Love that lasts eternally,
Most of all, Lord, thanks, oh, thanks!


خليجية المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة AnacondA

Dear Lord, we give You thanks.
For promises that soon shall be,
Because He hung upon the tree,
For Love that lasts eternally,
Most of all, Lord, thanks, oh, thanks!

Good poem.. however, it’s actually a christian’s kind of prayer or thanks..

Who was hung on a tree?

jesus of course.

Just thought I should mention it.

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