The meanings of colors 2024.

Have you ever thought about the meaning of effective colors ?

Did you translate the emotion of some colors in specific situations ? I don’t think so …

The most important of them are the
WHITE : means peace, innocence, calm and happiness .

RED : war, blood, sadness, victims, violence and murder .
BLACK : social violence , terrorism , problems , prison , crime , lonely .

BLUE : sea , clear oxygen , faith and regular life .
PINK : the flower , romance among lovers and softness .
GREEN : the nature , the atmosphere of islands
And live away from crowded community .

There are the most important colors that I have …..

PINK : the flower , romance among lovers and softness ط®ظ„ظٹط¬ظٹط©

this color is the best for me

and in my openion it has the most interesting meaning alos

thanks alot الوتر الحزين


but the popular meaning of red is love ط®ظ„ظٹط¬ظٹط©

for me i love all colors
specially white ……green …..and blue


ur sis
moon tears ط®ظ„ظٹط¬ظٹط©

for mem, i ‘v been always thinking of them, because they are part of peoms and the poem is part of my study"english literature"
I think the white color is most important one because of the peace

The peace is the situation which we we do not think about it

The people in war places hope the peace every moment …….. so I hope the peace from


for our islamic community

I think the white color is most important one because of the peace

The peace is the situation which we we do not think about it

The people in war places hope the peace every moment …….. so I hope the peace from ALLAH for our islamic community

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