whats your religon>>>شباب شوفو 2024.

بصراحه الكلام هذا منقول من منتدى امريكي

حبيت اعرضلكم طريقه تفكير الشبابالامريكي عن الدين …………..


3 of my friends hate god
Well, I have three firends Ian,Allie, and Tracey and the all hate god. They would sit there and be like if god really loved me he wouldnt have let me live such a hard life(they do have so problems and hard lifes). I pray for them almost every night and pray that they will turn to god for help, I know they do turn to God for help, because one time when something bad happend they prayed. So please just keep them in your prayers.


Do You Believe in the Bible?
Yeah, I believe in the bible. In fact, i’ve seen several copies myself in my lifetime.

For my part, I think the Bible is an entirely made up book of fables, metaphors, and symbolism written to give children an idea of morals and values. A good book, but not the Good Book.


When people say that the Bible was written by humans, this is a methaphor I like to use, God is the author of the Bible, humans are the publishers. God wrote it, he just used certain people to record it.

It is obviously just made up.

I don’t think I believe in God anymore. What is wrong with me?

there’s nothing wrong w/ u. not everyone does. but im sure if God wants you to believe in Him, He will find a way to show you. good luck.

Islamic Religious Symbols

hey, i need some examples of Islamic Religious Symbols. it’s for a paper in English…don’t ask.


personaly i think religion is lame most of the time, look at the wars, what is the most common reason for war trough out all history: religion!!

No God For ME
Posted by: Felix

i have no religion! i hate everyone, and always will. I have like only 10 person in my life that i can stand… my parents say " You need God". But really who’s God?! I think if anyone was my god,.. it would be…

Can God creat a rock so big that even he cant move it?

Jews in Entertainment

You basically cannot see a movie without A) Jewish actors or B) Jewish references.

This post comes about because I was watching Comedy Central the other night, and someone Mel Brooks was being interviewed by Jiminy Glick (AKA Martin Short). And so Jiminy asks him Is it hard being one of the only Jews in show business? To which Mr. Brooks replies, One of the only? I can’t even think of any Gentiles in show business!

While this is not entirely true, I’ve noticed there are an awful lot of yehudim running around Hollywood, not to mention cable TV.

الحمدلله على نعمة الاسلام

صح انزين…انا يوم كنت ادرس في استراليا كان ويايه واحد…اصله لبناني..بس محتار بين الديانات..يالس يختار مثل يوم الواحد يختار شو بيلبس…يعني عمره 21 و بدون دين..لين ما يقرر اي دين يحب يتخذ…و اغلبهم جذيه..اخر شي كان شكله بيتجه للبوذيه..بس ما تابعت اخباره..
الاسلام ما عيبه لان هو تعلمه على الطريقه الشيعيه..
وووو السمووحه شكلي وايد ارمس
سبحان الله

اخوي gypsy ممكن عنوان المنتدى ؟؟

جزاك الله خير

مشكورين على التجواب

انا بنت


من اخر برغراف يبين ان اليهود هم المتحكمين في القنوات الفضائيه و الارضيه و هليوود
وهذا اعتراف من يهوديه صاحبه الموضوع
بليزززززززز ممكن أترجمون اللي
تراني مييييييييييييح في الانجليزي

ترى ما فهمت من الموضوع شي إلا الحمد الله على نعمة الإسلام

الحمدلله على نعمة الاسلام

اشكرج اختي على الموضوع

الحمدلله الذي عافانا عم ابتلاهم به #m#

والحمدلله على نعمة الاسلام 😮

المرعب والاجر على الله 😮